My poetry has evolved over my lifetime, the first serious efforts begun when I was a teenager. (Don't worry; they are not represented here). Educated as a formalist, my verse is concentrated rather than prolific. I write when the spirit or events move me. Subscribing to the view that poetry should represent a concentrated and refined elixir of experience, I have no desire simply to pile up ever more repetitive and wasted words to be added to those on the already enormous heap. My belief is that we should be moving toward economy in every sphere of contemporary life. Sample poems from each of my four books are represented here. Please let me know if you would like to read others.
Stricken by wanderlust at an early age, a fascination for cultural and linguistic diversity continues to be central to my view of education and artistic development. My travel essays, thus, focus on ironic and/or distinctive moments and memories. See "Here and Elsewhere" for samples.
In the past, I have made brief forays into the genres of short stories and drama, without sustained results. Recently new works in these areas have begun to germinate. I hope to have the time, health and support to continue them. See "Fiction" for samples.
An interest in photography stems from the same time, though its expression has taken more wayward turns. I began to develop a genuine passion for its artistic possibilities only after I lost several people near to me, became a single parent, was beset by a serious illness and stopped painting in my early thirties. Though certainly not an editing whiz, nor entirely a "street photographer", I tend to avoid highly staged or studio work, notwithstanding careful composition, preferring to capture unexpected or fresh moments as I encounter them. When I was six, I was convinced that pressing a button and getting a snapshot in return was magic; I've never felt the compulsion to alter that view. See, obviously, "Photography" for samples.
Naturally, any propositions regarding publication or exhibitions are welcome. In future, I plan to offer photo products and writings for sale. Check back.